VRMoveTime Devlog - 1/3/2025 Version 2.2

1/3/2025 Version 2.2

  • Added FSR 3.1, a new upscaling/anti-aliasing mode that works with AMD cards!  This is now the default option, as it will work with most modern graphics cards (including NVidia), though I'd recommend experimenting with the different options to see which one makes your avatar look best!  If FSR 3.1 is unavailable for your card, it will fall back to at earlier version of FSR, and if that doesn't work will fall back to TAA.
  • Added an Expressions menu that lets you toggle on and off expressions for your avatar and even set the degree of the expression directly!  This is in the upper-right of the Avatar tab, and takes the place of Spin Optimization (which has been made a secret/hidden option).  This menu works with all VRM formats and will show VSFAnimation expressions as well.   Expressions can still be toggled remotely by VSeeFace, VNyan, or Warudo using their hotkeys and VMC Sender option when VRMoveTime's OSC/VMC Receiver is enabled.  (See the instructional video on the main page for how to get this working).
  • Added Dynamic Bones, Obicloth, and SPCRJointDynamics, which means that all the original VSFAvatar add-ons are now available here.
  • Added a new Stage tab which includes options to expand the play area, and lighting options to change the color and position of the sun.
  • Stickers can now fade in and out over time rather than blinking on and off when toggled with their visibility buttons or hotkeys!  Options to change fade duration are in the expanded menu under Smooth Motion.
  • Added a Visibility dropdown for stickers that lets you choose whether or not to show them on Spout2, including when dragging a sticker!
  • Added new buttons to each position preset, that lets you re-organize them, and another to let you re-save positions over an existing preset.
  • The minimum frame-rate that can be set under the frame rate limiter option under the Display tab is now 30 rather than 60, just in case you're running a 30FPS stream.
  • Added some additional options under VMC Sender that lets you control the floor offset of your avatar in the receiving application, and control when the OSC packets are sent.
  • Added an option to toggle the display of tooltips with images/video separately from regular text tooltips.


  • Fixed an issue with the Panoramic Camera so when the avatar moves while it's locked on (by holding down the Pan Camera button) they will move directly away from the camera view.
  • Fixed a number of Reset to Default buttons not properly resetting the options in their respective categories.
  • Fixed sticker Hover Effect resetting on dragging and re-placing a sticker.
  • Fixed Auto-Blink not working with VRM1 models
  • Fixed an instance of VSFAvatar animations not properly blending/overriding expressions that use the same shape keys.
  • Fixed a few Japanese and Spanish language menu

12/20/2024 - Version 2.0 -> 2.1

  • Adding an OSC/VMC Sender option!  This lets you send movements from VRMoveTime to other programs, and should work with the default IP address/port for with VNyan just by clicking the VMC Sender checkbox.
  • Added an arrow button to expand the OSC/VMC sender options to enable "Send Before Receiving", which will send the OSC/VMC animation packets before new ones are received by the OSC/VMC receiver and..
  • Added another option to disable packet bundling, which is slower but necessary for some programs like VRChat to receive OSC packets.
  • Fixed avatar Blendshapes/expressions not resetting when tracking data is lost.
  • (2.1) Adjusted the initial camera angle so that it's not flipped 180 degrees as compared to other streaming apps when using VMC Sender.
  • (2.1) Fixed a couple translation and menu graphic issues in the position preset options.
  • (2.1) Added a slider under the VMC Sender expanded menu to adjust the floor offset of the avatar  the receiving apps.

12/16/2024 - Version 1.9

  • Fixed global/background input not working for XBox/XInput controllers
  • Enabled controller hot-swapping (plugging in a new controller while the app is already running)
  • Enabled panoramic camera Y axis (up/down) rotation similar to VSeeFace or VNyan
  • Added a new feature where holding down the panoramic camera button will allow the camera to find the avatar if they are off-screen, which can be disabled in the control settings pages if needed.
  • Added another feature to stabilize the free camera if its been turned upside-down, which can also be disabled in the control settings
  •  (1.91) Fixed certain types of VSF Animations not toggling off properly.
  •  (1.91) Added a toggle in the Interface options to enable an enhanced version of the VSFAvatar animation preview menu for testing animations in the app.
  • (1.92) Fixed a bug that was causing the forward dodge-roll animation to not play properly.

12/9/2024 - Version 1.81

  • Movement animations now save and restore on the exact frame when loading a new avatar or restarting the application.
  • VSF Animations should now properly combine with other animations when sent via OSC/VMC (1.81 - fixed potential avatar sliding issue during VSF animations, thanks to @liftedpixel.net for finding this one)
  • Added a VSF Avatar volume slider so you can control the volume any sound effects added to your avatar directly.
  • Fixed an issue where the restored resolution, background color, and avatar light color would not show properly in the display settings after restarting.
  • Fixed an issue where the avatar couldn't move around properly with the camera locked-on while holding down the Pan Camera button.
  • Prevented Global Input movement keys from going through while Ctrl, Alt, or Shift are being held down unless global input enabled actions are specifically set to those keys.  This should prevent global input movement from interfering with hotkeys from other applications.
  • Added a Kiwi bird on top of Sealie the Seal's head in the app icon 😸

11/27/2024 - Version 1.72

  • Added an MSAA (2x, 4x, 8x) dropdown menu option in the Display settings to better control anti-aliasing samples, as even with DLSS on it can still have an effect on smoothing edges and can still affect performance.
  • Renamed the previous Anti-Aliasing option to "Advanced" Anti-Aliasing and added clarification to the tooltip to explain that its post-process anti-aliasing.
  • Fixed a problem where post processing was displaying twice in the app VS. in the Spout2 projection where it was showing normally.
  • Changed the program icon to the mascot Sealie the Seal 😄

11/23/2024 - Version 1.72

  • Bugfix: Fixed a few rendering issues with stickers with TAA or DLSS enabled.
  • Added automatic adjustment for particle system shaders so that particles will display properly via Spout2 sources.

11/17/2024 - Version 1.71

  • Minor update: made a change to global input to prevent actions from activating then Ctrl, Alt, or Shift are being held down, unless actions are specifically assigned to those keys.

11/17/2024 - Version 1.7

  • Overhauled the rendering system to better support DLSS, so it should look quite a bit better now!  Outlines on VRM Toon Shaders especially should show up a lot more prominently with it enabled.
  • Added three new post-processing effects, Color Split (splits the avatar and other graphics into their individual red green and blue components), Pastel Filter (makes the scene look like an oil painting), and Pixelate (reduces the number of pixels on the scene to make it look like a retro-game)
  • Fixed a number of rendering issues with stickers that could make transparent images appear different in the app VS. in OBS via Spout2

11/9/2024 - Version 1.6

  • Implemented DLSS under Anti-Aliasing options in the Display tab. This requires an NVidia RTX card, so it will fall back to TAA without.

11/9/2024 - Version 1.5

  • Fixed an issue where using camera or avatar position/rotation sliders might inadvertently might also set the position/rotation of the axis other than what the user was intending to adjust after using free-camera movement
  • Enhanced transitions between avatar flight take-off and landing animations and face/body tracking
  • Fixed an issue that might cause stickers/2D-props to not place correctly on the background
  • Fixed a couple translation issues for button labels or rebinding prompts
  • Fixed a bug that might have caused hotkeys or stickers to not load properly if sticker image files were moved since the last time the program started (thanks to @xserris.bsky.social for finding this bug too <3)

11/3/2024 - Version 1.4

  • Added additional smoothing when using all turning in-place animations in addition to strafing/sidestepping motions
  • Added a toggle button to turn strafing/sidestepping on or off, default is the Z key
  • Added smoothing to flight animations to make them a bit more fluid
  • Changed the default frame-rate cap option to "Forced On" as it provides better performance through a more aggressive method than the standard Application.targetFrameRate setting.
  • Smoothed animation and tracking transitions during flight animations
  • Added 'Perfect Sync' expressions to the two example avatars included, and the first was converted to the .vsfavatar format as an example

11/2/2024 - Version 1.3

  • Added some smoothing to the turning animation when using the Sidestep/Strafe (face camera) actions
  • Stickers/2D props menu sliders and checkboxes will now update to the settings of the selected sticker/prop already placed in the world
  • Fixed an issue where the crouching animation could happen instantly
  • Added an "OSC/VMC Floor Offset" slider to move the avatar back to the floor in case motion tracking moves them off the floor (for example when receiving tracking from the VNyan JayoVMCPlugin)
  • Stickers/2D props will now always remember their fine-tuned width/height when their overall size is adjusted
  • Fixed a couple instances where tracking could be interrupted when no full-body animation was playing

10/25/2024 - Version 1.2

  • Added VRM1 import support
  • Added two extra sliders to adjust the X and Y distance of stickers/2D props after placement, which can be accessed by clicking the checkbox button on the Adjust Distance slider
  • Fixed some animated GIFs showing an extra duplicated frame before repeating their animation cycle
  • Added additional smoothing to the Y axis to prevent sticker/2D props from bobbing up and down too much when attached to an avatar with Movement Smoothing enabled

10/24/2024 - Version 1.1

  • Fixed an issue where alignment and rotation of stickers (2D props) could be slightly off when attaching to a character animated via motion tracking (thanks to @xserris.bsky.social for finding this bug <3)
  • Fixed a issue where picking up and dropping a sticker could cause the its dimensions to change slightly each time

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